Beyond Bond & Legal Defense Fund Overview

What’s happening on the border is horrifying—and it’s happening here in Massachusetts too. Every week ICE arrests and detains more of our community members. 

The Beyond Bond & Legal Defense Fund (the Bond Fund) raises money for immigration bonds to free people in ICE prisons in Massachusetts and Rhode Island or elsewhere, but are coming to live in MA upon release.

Since 2018, our community has raised over $1.5 million, to bond out hundreds of people, and helped with legal fees for many others. As people continued to be detained across our area and the country, we can—and must—do more.

Bonds can range anywhere from $2,000 to more than $20,000 per person. Our Bond Fund works with families and other bond funds across the country to get our people out of ICE prisons. Together we will continue to free people from immigration prison, reunite families, and keep our communities together in the face of white supremacist and xenophobic state violence. 

The Bond Fund also supplements legal fees to help people get out of immigration prison and, from time to time, provides supplemental funds toward legal fees for representation of those freed from immigration prison in their asylum/relief proceedings.

Our Bond Fund envisions a day when we never pay another immigration bond because we have abolished ICE detention, ICE enforcement, prisons and jails and all people can migrate with freedom, safety and dignity.

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THE BEYOND BOND & LEGAL DEFENSE FUND IS A SEPARATE PROJECT INCUBATED BY THE BOSTON IMMIGRATION JUSTICE ACCOMPANIMENT NETWORK. Beyond Bond and Legal Defense Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) and is tax exempt under IRS section 170. EIN 85-0974406